Friday, 2 February 2007

Quick, Vista's 'Coolness' test

I was browsing through a couple of websites the other day when it dawned on me that SO many websites do screenshots or walkthroughs of their software running on Macs. Not only that, but so many companies use Macs in print ads for their software products too.

I might be making a very big leap to a conclusion, but I think this is a very tidy 'quick test' of OS X's coolness factor. People know OS X looks cooler, so much so that they don't wont their apps shown in XP (read windows.

It will be interesting to see if we start seeing more and more walkthroughs and screenshots in Vista now that is has been launched or if OS X will still hold sway.

Think of this as a quick way to gauge the two platform's coolness factor.

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